Message from the Chair of ANZSA - July 2023
I am writing to you following the second in person Board meeting for 2023 held in Melbourne Monday 26 June 2023. I have previously welcomed Wayne Nicholls who participated at his second meeting. Wayne’s experience and expertise is already making a meaningful contribution to the Board’s deliberations. The meeting covered three key areas, regular board reports, selection of candidates to vacant Board positions and a strategic checkpoint review. Your directors continue to contribute tirelessly and with purpose in furthering ANZSA purpose and mission to improve outcomes for sarcoma patients and their families through research. It continues to be a humble pleasure learning from this esteemed and dedicated leadership group.
Regular Board
The regular board meeting covered a number of key items including but not limited to reviewing progress against the strategic plan, reviewing policies and discussing ANZSA risk exposure and in particular the need to better appreciate the potential impact of cyberattacks on data held or accessed by ANZSA. The Board is hard at work continuing to guide progress of clinical, education, research, and advocacy in sarcoma treatment and patient care. It is pleasing to report that progress is proceeding robustly, and the risk management framework remains fit for purpose. The Board’s authorities and delegation to the Chief Executive Officer were reviewed and the proposed budget for the financial year ended 30 June 2024 was approved.
The Orthopaeic Committee – chaired by Richard Carey Smith – presented an excellent report on the orthopaedic sarcoma surgeon educational activities, and the efforts required to advocate to government to streamline ethics approvals for research and assist clinicians in access to data to improve clinical care for patients.
The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) - co-chaired by Professor Angela Hong and Professor Jayesh Desai – returned to an in-person setting for their first meeting this year. The SAC is working alongside fellow sarcoma expert colleagues to foster engagement and collaboration to develop new sarcoma research studies. This is the vital work that helps establish ANZSA as the peak body for the sarcoma community and I acknowledge all the hard work of those involved.
The Consumer Advisory Panel (CAP) - chaired by director Geoff McKinnon and supported by director Associate Professor Marianne Phillips – continues to provide a voice for sarcoma patients and consumers. The group has been instrumental in helping improve practice aspects which help increase patient satisfaction in research. Furthermore, the CAP has been busy putting together this year’s Sarcoma Awareness Month campaign.
Our Annual Scientific Meeting Committee for 2023 – Chaired by David Gyorki and convened by Dr Grant Pang – are working towards providing a high-quality, engaging meeting for this year. Many thanks to our ASM Committee as they continue to put together this year’s event in Melbourne.
Thanks also to Board Director Peter Steadman who continues to steward preparations for ISOLS meeting in Brisbane in 2024. The program is shaping up as a truly exciting and educational.
Selection of Candidates to vacant positions on the Board
The Board was delighted to receive six applications for three vacant positions on the Board. The Board held fruitful and productive discussions on succession planning and providing opportunities for members interested in contributing at the director level. Under the Constitution and consistent with the Board charter, the Board has the power to appoint directors to vacant positions, with successful appointees to offer themselves for election by members at the next annual general meeting. Details of the successful candidates will be communicated in a separate communique.
Strategy Workshop
It is good practice for Boards to review strategy particularly in light of fast -moving external environment. The Board reflected on ANZSA purpose and mission, affirmed its continued relevance and reviewed aims of each of the four core strategies, quality and research, funding and governance, professional education and advocacy and awareness.
Emerging issues for attention included but were not limited to: reprioritising execution of key items in coming 12 - 18 months; exploratory discussions on the concept of centres of research excellence, steps to building sarcoma registries, sustainable funding, more effective advocacy and lobbying and developing cyber resilience.
Finally, the Board would like to recognise the amazing efforts of our Chief Executive Officer, Dr Denise Caruso, and her team for their excellent work in progressing our research, education, governance, funding and awareness objectives. Thank you all for your continued dedication to the sarcoma community by your ongoing support of ANZSA.
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