Message from the Chair of ANZSA - December 2022
Dear Colleagues,
It is inspirational and deeply gratifying particularly as a lay person and ordinary member of the public, to witness the tireless commitment, passion and progress demonstrated by ANZSA professionals, members and patients relentlessly striving to do all possible to improve sarcoma patient outcomes.
2022 has proven to be an engaging and progressive year for the sarcoma community, with many outstanding outcomes achieved due to the ongoing efforts of many ANZSA professionals and members working together with and alongside patients and the community.
Your Board has worked actively over the past 12 months to assist guide continuous progress of clinical, education, research and advocacy into sarcoma treatment and patient care. The Board has meet four times throughout the year to review progress on current sarcoma developments and monitoring implementation the ANZSA 2022 – 2024 Strategic Plan. The strategic plan is seeing strong progress already just one year after its introduction and is expected yield new developments in 2023. The 2022-2024 strategic plan contains 40 Milestones;10 have been progressed;19 have been completed and 11 have not yet commenced.
Your 2022 ASM committee – chaired by ANZSA Director, Associate Professor David Gyorki –organised an insightful and deeply educational Annual Scientific Meeting, which saw the format returning to a face-to-face setting complimented by the virtual link across the Tasman to the two face-to-face settings in Sydney and Queenstown respectively. The three renowned international guest speakers were outstanding and warmly received and welcomed by ANZSA members on both sides of the Tasman. It was most gratifying to see both our Australian and New Zealand colleagues gathering together again and we look forward to next year’s event. A special thanks to also to local convenor in Queenstown Shaneel Deo supported by ANZSA Board director Richard Carey Smith who arranged a special experience for the group that gathered in Queenstown.
Peter Steadman in his role as President of ISOLS and ANZA Board director continues to provide experienced counsel and guidance to the board in all areas as well as the orthopaedic insights required. Thank you, Peter.
The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) - co-chaired by Professor Angela Hong and Professor Jayesh Desai – have been working alongside colleagues to increase engagement, expand studies, collaboration and steward innovative approaches. The SAC is developing into a mature and effective collaboration collectively contributing to informative research outcomes. I acknowledge this important work and thank all involved.
The Consumer Advisory Panel (CAP) - chaired by director Geoff McKinnon supported by director Associate Professor Marianne Phillips – continues to provide a voice for sarcoma patients and consumers. This group is instrumental in helping with the production of communications and improving practice aspects which help increase patient satisfaction. The energy and drive of this group has brought a further positive momentum to activities in this area. Geoff and Marianne continue to be wonderful stewards in this area.
Your Board continues to review the composition and effectiveness of its current Directors. A recent review provided encouraging and positive feedback with some suggestions for improvement. At the 2022 ANZSA Annual General Meeting, the Board was delighted to welcome Dr. Wayne Nicholls as a new Director after being an ANZSA members for a number of years. Congratulations and welcome Wayne. Three of your Board Directors - Professor Angela Hong, Associate Professor David Gyorki and myself – were all re-elected to serve on the Board for a further term. Congratulations and thanks to Angela and David.
Thank you to ANZSA members for your vote of confidence and I am sure I speak on behalf of all directors in providing our collective commitment to continue to positively progress sarcoma initiatives.
I am also deeply humbled with my recent re-election by the Board of directors as Chair for a final term of three years. Your Board of Directors look forward to advancing research, education and clinical trial capabilities as well as nurturing relationships with international colleagues and collaborators in the coming year.
Finally, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to ANZSA’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr Denise Caruso, who continues to lead with professionalism, charm and effectiveness in advocating for and implementing many of the initiatives required by our community. Thanks also to the staff for the dedication and commitment assisting members and patients.
I wish all a safe and peaceful festive season, and we all look forward to a bright 2023.
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