Message from Chair of ANZSA -July 2022
Dear Colleagues,
The past 12 months have continued to present challenges for patients, professionals, clinicians, researchers and staff. Notwithstanding these trying circumstances the ANZSA community has worked tirelessly and with great effect in making a difference. On behalf of the Board, I would like to extend sincere gratitude for the continuing efforts in seeking to truly improve the wellbeing of sarcoma patients and families and support groups.
Your Board has worked with purpose, diligence and effect to progress the member driven strategies embedded in the current 2022-2024 strategic plan. It is pleasing to report following a review at the June meeting that progress is proceeding robustly and generally to plan.
The improved governance mechanisms overseen by the Board include the increased sharing of the work plan through the Board committees. The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) under the joint Chairs and Board directors Angela Hong and Jayesh Desai has reviewed its arrangements and improved its effectiveness including through increased member engagement. A notable achievement is the amazing breadth of studies/clinical trials now numbering 25 with 20 comprising international collaborations. The launch of the sarcoma guidelines also a significant achievement with wonderful engagement by many the sarcoma centres which has grown to 21 around the country. Thanks to all.
Special mention also to Board director Marianne Philips whose study/clinical trial was presented at the international ASCO meeting in June where it was highlighted as a key study. This reflects well for ANZSA reputationally and from a brand perspective on the world stage. Thank you, Marianne and team.
It is exciting to see the development of the new strategy ‘Professional Education’ with the appointment of Claudia De Bella as the lead for education subcommittee of the Orthopaedic Committee of the Board. During the year, we warmly welcomed the appointment of Richard Carey-Smith as Chair of the Orthopaedic Committee. Also pleasing is the increased involvement of our New Zealand colleagues with Dr Shaneel Deo leading the NZ component of the ASM this year in New Zealand and to be held in Queenstown. Many thanks to Board director, David Gyorki Chair of the ASM Committee and the members of this committee for shaping a most exciting program both in Sydney and Queenstown.
The Consumer Advisory Panel chaired by Board director Geoff McKinnon and supported by Marianne Philips continues to provide invaluable and important insights ensuring ANZSA is patient focused in all that is undertakes. The sarcoma month awareness campaign to be commended – very colourful and highly impactful.
Thanks also to Board Director Peter Steadman who continues to steward preparations for ISOLS 2024.The program is shaping up as a truly exciting and educational.
We are indeed grateful and fortunate for the continuing powerhouse contribution from our CEO Denise Caruso and the whole staff team. Denise has her eye over all activities of ANZSA and has contributed with great effect during a period of instability and change affecting our people and patients throughout the pandemic. On behalf of the Board and the community we thank Denise for her sterling stewardship and service.
The Board is always looking to improve the way it works and is undertaking another Board effectiveness review in line with best practice governance principles. I am deeply grateful for the tireless and highly effective engagement of all Board members. The Board is a collegiate, united and highly effective group, always acting in the best interests of ANZSA. I am humbled to continue to be involved while ever the community feels it continues to be of service. Thanks to all for your continued dedication.
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