Message from Chair of ANZSA - December 2023
Dear Colleagues,
As we draw to the close of 2023, it has been inspiring to witness the tireless commitment, passion and progress demonstrated by ANZSA professionals, members and patients as we strive towards improving outcomes for sarcoma patients in Australia and New Zealand.
2023 has once again proven to be a fruitful year full of new developments in the sarcoma community, with many outstanding outcomes achieved due to the ongoing efforts of our ANZSA members working alongside patients and the community.
Your Board has been hard at work continuing the progress of clinical, education, research and advocacy into sarcoma treatment and patient care throughout the year. The Board hosted four meetings in 2023 to review progress on current sarcoma developments and to monitor the implementation of the ANZSA 2022 – 2024 Strategic Plan. The strategic plan has continued yielding results and is on track to completion by the original end date of 2024. Of the 40 Milestones found within the ANZSA 2022-2024 strategic plan, 30 have been completed, and 10 are still ongoing as of the end of 2023.
To celebrate the 15th Anniversary of ANZSA, the Board worked to establish the first formal ANZSA Awards and Recognition program. This program celebrates the remarkable achievements and contributions of ANZSA members as well as acknowledges the long-term contributors to ANZSA. The first awards under this program – The Outstanding Achievement Award – were rewarded to Professor Paul Stalley, Professor David Thomas and Helen Sewell for their continued efforts to improve the research and care for sarcoma patients. In addition, Lifetime Membership was awarded Dr. Ian Dickinson, Professor Phillip Crowe, Associate Professor Susan Neuhaus and Professor Peter Choong for their ongoing contributions to ANZSA over the past 15 years. Congratulations to all recipients and thank you for your amazing efforts.
Your Board continues to review the composition and effectiveness of its current Directors. At the 2023 ANZSA Annual General Meeting, the Board welcomed three new Directors to ANZSA. Associate Professor Fiona Maclean, Dr. Jason Cain and Ms. Sarah Cheung were all elected to the Board of Directors. Professor Peter Steadman stood for re-election and was reappointed by members at the AGM. Congratulations to all, I look forward to working with the expanded Board including our first director from New Zealand Sarah Cheung.
Mr. Geoff McKinnon, longstanding and outstanding member of the Board, advised that he would be retiring from his Board Director position at ANZSA. Geoff has been a valuable and insightful contributor to our Board over the past ten years. We are deeply grateful for his contribution and wish him all the best for the future.
I would like to acknowledge the work of the 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting committee – chaired this year by Dr. Grant Pang – for pulling together an insightful and deeply educational meeting in Melbourne. Our two renowned international guest speakers were outstanding and warmly received and welcomed by ANZSA members. It was most gratifying to see our Australian and New Zealand colleagues gathering again and our international delegates joining us via our online platform. I thank all who attended the meeting and look forward to seeing you again in Brisbane next year.
Professor Peter Steadman, in his role as President of ISOLS and ANZSA Board director, continues to provide experienced counsel and guidance to the Board as we work collaboratively to run both the ISOLS and ANZSA meeting in conjunction together next year. I thank Peter for all his efforts working with both our ASM planning committee and chairing the ISOLS planning committee.
The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) - co-chaired by Professor Angela Hong and Professor Jayesh Desai – continues to mature into an effective collaboration between sarcoma professionals in Australia and New Zealand, with four new members joining in 2023. Increased representation from New Zealand a particular highlight. The SAC have been working alongside colleagues to increase engagement, expand studies collaboration and steward innovative approaches. I would like to acknowledge and thank all of those involved with the ongoing development and growth of the SAC.
The Consumer Advisory Panel (CAP) saw a chair change this year. With former Chair and Board Director Geoff McKinnon stepping down from his duties, new Director Sarah Cheung has taken over as chair of the CAP with the assistance of Associate Professor Marianne Phillips. I would like to acknowledge Geoff’s leadership instrumental in putting together the CAP during his time as a Director. The CAP met twice this year to discuss the production of communications and improving practice aspects that help increase sarcoma patient satisfaction. I look forward to seeing the CAP continue to develop under Sarah.
Finally, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to ANZSA’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr Denise Caruso, who continues to lead with professionalism, charm and effectiveness in advocating for and implementing many of the initiatives required by our community. Thanks also to the staff for their dedication and commitment to assisting members and patients.
I wish all a safe and peaceful festive season, and we all look forward to a bright 2024.
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